Kyle Bryant
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At age 17 Kyle Bryant was devastated when he was diagnosed with a rare, debilitating, life-shortening disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia. Walkers, wheelchairs, vision loss, hearing loss and a pre-mature death were all in his future.However Kyle took this bleak situation and turned it into an opportunity to provide hope to the FA community and empower others, riding his recumbent trike thousands of miles and raising millions for FA research.Now Kyle shares his outlook about how to turn adversity into opportunity in his keynote speeches. Kyle is sure to change perspectives and inspire your audience to action.Kyle graduated from University of California at Davis with a degree in Civil Engineering. Worked 5 years as an engineer before finding his calling through cycling and spreading empowerment to others. As the founder/director of rideATAXIA for the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), Kyle and his team produce family friendly bike rides across the country to empower those with FA and raise funds for research. rideATAXIA currently has 5 locations nationwide and has raised over $3 million for FA research since 2007. Kyle’s favorite place to be is on his Catrike