Forum terms and conditions
By utilizing GCSG’s forum, you agree to the terms of use detailed here.
All regulations shall be interpreted and enforced by the GCSG administrators.
Golden rule. Treat other members even better than you would treat yourself.
Be sure. Be sure your post follows the regulations. If you are unsure, don’t post it.
Simple filter. Only post content you would be comfortable viewing at work or showing to a child or parent.
Language request. The forum language is English. Please adhere to this to have your post reach the widest audience.
Advertising. No content that could be interpreted as advertising is allowed. This includes but is not limited to automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites.
Proprietary Information. The GCSG forum is open to public view. No proprietary information should be posted to this location.
Relevancy. Posts should be relevant to topics pertinent to GCSG’s mission and goals.
Respect. No flaming, harassing, or abusing fellow forum members.
Appropriate content. Nothing that could be interpreted as profanity or pornography is allowed.
Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed.
GCSG retains the right to enforce the terms of use as they deem appropriate. A guideline of standard practice for regulation enforcement is provided.
1st offense. An email warning will be sent informing the member of the infraction.
2nd offense. An email warning will be sent informing the member of the 2nd infraction.
3rd offense. Temporary ban of member from forum. Duration dependent on severity.
4th offense. Permanent ban as member of GCSG.