The COVID-19 pandemic has made these past few months difficult for individuals, families, friends and businesses as we all adjust to a paradigm shift in our everyday lives and it is likely that this new pattern of life will be with us for some months to come.  We can’t help but feel anxious as this infection spreads in our individual communities and around the world producing an ever-greater  impact on all of us.

As a valued member of the GCSG community, we are reaching out to assure you  that our dedicated group of GCSG volunteers is still working to keep you connected and informed via our vast network of clinical supply chain experts and will continue to bring you educational articles and postings that we hope will be of assistance to you in your daily lives.

While we continue to practice social distancing and follow the restrictions in place in our local communities, our committee, e-team and Board members continue to work behind the scenes to bring you more information in a timely manner.

We all hope that as the virus threat diminishes – through our best contamination control practices, as well as test kits, vaccines and treatments being developed by a number of our member’s companies – we will once again be able to meet face to face at our conferences in the future. The timing for that continues to change as we learn more about this virus and the way it propogates.

Our hearts and concern go out to all those amongst us who have lost a loved one, contracted the virus or who have family, friends and loved ones working on the front lines to care for the sick and hospitalized.

The world will never be the same but we can all still come together as a global community to help and support each other just as GCSG will continue to appreciate and support all our members.

For those wanting to learn more about COVID-19, we have curated a few good resources for your review:

CDC – Coping with Stress
Coronavirus Anxiety
CDC – COVID-19 Resources
CNN Podcasts
MedCram tutorial
COVID & Clinical Trial Operations
Infectious Disease Society – COVID-19 Resource Center
Visual Capitalist – COVID-19 Resources
Entertaining Kids

Stay safe & stay healthy!

The GCSG Board of Directors

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